Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Life is about risks. It always has been and most likely always will be. Some of the most recognizable and famous men in history are famous for the risks they took. Unfortunately, some men we will never hear about in our lives took those same risks.
I thinking the hardest thing about risking anything is knowing how much you can potentially lose. We try and weight the options, maybe make a list to see if the rewards out weight the downside, and do all sorts of things to try and put ourselves in the best possible logical position. However, sometimes logic does not mean anything. Sometimes everything we believe is logically correct we know is wrong in our hearts. Poker players will tell you that sometimes they know the odds are against against them but the cards just "feel right". Well, life is the same way. Sometimes the odds are against you but you know what you feel and there is nothing in the world that will stop you from feeling that particular way.
I think the hardest risks we take in our lives are the emotional ones. Putting yourself out there with someone you care about for the first time. Being the first one to try and make a move, or being the first one to say those three words we all do our best not to say at all costs. It can be scary, I know, and a lot of times we say these things knowing that the reward is greatly overshadowed by the chance we are taking, but we say it anyway. Why do we do this? Because we are human. Because for the vast majority of us the heart will always outweigh the mind in decisions like this. Yes we can get hurt a good amount of the time, and some of us get hurt a lot of the time. However, when it all comes down to it, when we finally get that response we have been looking for all this time, it will be more powerful than anything we have ever experienced.

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