Saturday, June 20, 2009

Gaining Weight, Losing Time

It is no secret that obesity has become a major problem in the United States. As we go on as a country we get progressively larger, and this really does not show any sign of stopping. People want to blame places such as McDonald's, Burger King, the schools for not offering enough time for recess, and television for making so many programs. The truth of the matter is, none of these places are to blame.
Believe it or not we as humans have the power to choose what we do and where we do it. I know, this is shocking news to a lot of you, but just hear me out. Instead of going to eat fast good, we can always eat something else. Instead of blaming the schools for making our children fat, how about we just put them out in the backyard and let them play outside for a change. Why don't we lock up the X Box and PlayStation's and try tag and catch.
It is proven that children take the habits they learn at an early age and carry them out throughout the majority of their lives. If this is true then having them eat healthy food, or at least food that's less bad for you, will surely lead them down healthier lifestyles.
This is a subject that I can really speak about from in depth personal experience. When I was young I was overweight and this lasted until I was about 11. Now what happened when I was 11 you ask. I joined the basketball team, and I got in shape. I played pick up basketball games outside, and spent a lot less time in the house. I also decided to give up junk food, which is a decision that has lasted me the past 9 years. I got myself into shape and never looked back. By making a few small decisions like less T.V. time, an occasional jog, and food that won't guarantee a heart attack, I was able to completely turn my life around.
My youngest sister is quite the opposite. She is about 9 years old and I honestly cannot remember the last time I saw her outside, and it shows. She indulges in fast food frequently and junk food just as often. She is commonly seen eating out of pure boredom, and a lot of the times it is upsetting to watch.
Although ultimately it is my parents decision on how to raise her, I can not help but think that she will be miserable as soon as she starts getting a hard time from classmates about her weight. The next 5 to 10 years of her life following that will be filled with pointless diets and mindless fasting. Ultimately she will be very upset a good amount of time, and it is a sad thought to think about.
What I am trying to say here is this. I understand that kids will be kids and eat fast food, play video games, and so on. Based on that, we have to try and cut down on how much time they have to do these things. An hour or so of T.V. a day, maybe only some video games, and only a few fast food meals a month. One step at a time we have to develop healthier more physically trying activities for our youth or they will end up living substantially shorter and unhealthier lives. Its a long process, but moving in the right direction slowly is much better than not moving at all, which in case you have not noticed, is what most of the kids these days are doing.

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