Sunday, June 28, 2009

Try It Out

Today I really want to keep it short and to the point. However, it is something you I really want all of you to really think about and take into consideration. The lives all of us live are based on these rules and boundaries that our culture creates for us. We are cast into invisible cells and bars and walls that we do not even realize trap us in a life of normalcy. Just one time, some time during the next couple days, I want each one of you to do something completely out of the ordinary. Maybe its something as stupid as not staring at the floor numbers on the elevator, or starting a conversation with the person using the urinal next to you. Just try something that breaks an unwritten rule, and see how shocked everyone around you becomes. Only then will you truly realize how enclosed we really are as people.


  1. I'm doing that :)

    I try to smile or say good afternoon to people as ther run or walk pass me in the park and it truly makes a difrence, is just as I said: "go on! you can do it! keep running!" it's great :)

    I think you and I will get along :)

  2. did you do it too?
    im incredibly curious to know how it went haha:)
