Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Stop Taking Life So Seriously

Sorry I have not been able to post in a few days, family emergency.

Having said that, I know to a lot of you my last post seemed a little out of the ordinary. My point was not that we should all rage against the machine and try to go against the grain. My point was that we as a society are so restricted by these unwritten rules that nobody takes the time to truly just appreciate how nice it feels to smile at a stranger, start a conversation in the elevator, or just tell someone your working with that they are doing a really good job. It seems as though nobody really wants to put themselves out there anymore, and everyone is too busy trying to get theirs to worry about what anyone else wants. Although we are very social creatures and communication is a very serious part out our culture, recently as years have passed everyone has become so self centered and greedy that they do not take the time to appreciate the fellow man.
We all need to stop taking life so seriously. Every now and then just realize that it is a blessing alone that you are alive and able to do the things you do every day. Being able to smell, touch, and taste all these little things in our world is such a great gift that it seems everyone has forgotten about. Everyone wants the new Ferrari or Bentley and forget about how nice it is to just lay on the grass and do nothing. I am not saying to completely abandon your desire and ambition because those two things are what keeps us moving. What I am saying is that every once and while even if it is only for a few minutes, put everything else aside and just realize how amazing everything around you is. Think about how amazing it is that you can see stars hundreds of millions of miles away, or good it feels to just stand out in the rain. We do not know how long we are going to be able to truly notice the little things, so don't let these moments pass.


  1. I agree. Everyone seems in a great hurry to satisfy themselves, instead of building relationships. That's what's really important—relationships. When people are going to die, they don't want to be surrounded by all their riches, things, achievements; they want to be surrounded by the people they love. I try to make the most of relationships; share, love and treasure every moment. I find it hard to step out of my comfort zone and connect with strangers, but it is my goal to. It just might make someone's day. We don't realise how lonely people really are—as they put on masks. Thank you for posting this.

  2. first of all: i agree with everything u said
    second: could you check out my blog? im new and trying to get people to follow...

  3. sometimes i forget those little things that make life what it is.
    there is simplicity, and happiness right in front of us, we just need to remember to take the time to see it.
    thank you, i adored this:)
